The Element of Fire

 This is article about Fire and a simple ritual to connect with fire from in and deeply .


What is fire ? 

~ Fire what that burns in us , fire is what heals us with our Power , Fire is what helps us boost our confidence , fire is b what helps our will to be strong .


~ Fire is one of natural elements of nature , it's also a source of light in night and dark which helped humanity to survive a long time .


~ But has fire has good aspects it also has bad aspects of its own . So someone must not play with burning letting himself to be burn , means don't get overconfident about something which will results your own destruction .


   How fire is used in Magick ?

~ As fire has its own aspect it can be either good or bad for us but in order work properly you need understand the value of fire .

~ Fire is also present in our souls and also in light which enlightened us and helps us to shine bright high and beautiful .


~ Fire can burnt your problems away and help to you boost yourself .

The ritual for connecting and getting blessings from fire –

Things you need :- 

1 candle 

A peaceful place  

The Ritual - 

Starting Meditating for 5 minutes or more.

Empty your mind and relax and don't have any thoughts .

Now light up the candle and cover your hands around the candle but be careful don't burn yourself .

Starting visualising about the candle and feel its fire and then close your eyes .

Now visualise that flame of the candle is is slowly covering your body .

After you feel it then visualise that the flames are going in your body and smoke is releasing from your body and think the smoke as all your weakness as your negativity .

After the smoke is realesed you will feel like lightened .


Now say oh fire oh fire with your flames cover me now protect me now help me now bring me the light brighten my soul let me be confident to myself let my will be Powerful and unbreakable . Let it be done with the power of fire let me be connected now to fire as for my will let me be blessed now let it happen now .

Now chant - Emboros erva emo 

 And imagine a bright yellow flame covering you and protecting you 

Then chant - oh fire oh fire burn in my heart bring my passion out so I can complete my desire to ( state your desire ) let it happen now by the power of fire 

Then imagine a rainbow flame forging around you and slowly covering your body and mind and heart 



Then say - Arik onos rosus reso Emoss eco eva embroso . 

And you will feel it's energy than .

If you want you can do it once in a week so you can power yourself or you can do the Ritual when you want 


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